+-------------------------------------------+ |! the cursŏr shöu'd look like this: !| |! "FōurFold" !| +-------------------------------------------+--------------------+ Mya doesn't like bananas | Mya wants a milkshake | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | Mya will probably not want a banana milkshake | the only milkshakes at hand are banana or strawberry flavoured | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | Mya will probably want the strawberry flavoured milkshake | I should buy Mya a milkshake | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | I should buy Mya a strawberry flavoured milkshake | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ |FE8 C 0D +FE9 2 19+ +-------------------------------------------+ PLATZ........"Die Logik der Welt"...........| VERHALT......"kann so programmiert werden,".| ORT.........."dass es keine Beweise"........| GEGENPLATZ..."für diese Veränderung"........| NICHTS......."gibt".........................| ............................................| WEISHEIT.VON.MAJA...........................| +--+----------------------------------------+---------------+--+ |--|00000000000000011111111111111112222222222222222333333333|--| |--|123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF012345678|--| +--+--------------------------------------------------------+--+ |01| 1 a WŎRM lōcates itself in my eye. 1|01| |02| |02| |03| 2 when it is not in my eyes it is in my hēad 2|03| |04| 3 MY BRĂIN 3|04| |05| 4 my NARROA, NARROA brăin 4|05| |06| |06| |07| 5 this is what|I |think 5|07| |08| 6 |this|is what|the wŏrm|thinks 6|08| |09| 7 |it |thinks |through |mē 7|09| |0A| |0A| |0B| 8 I feel the wŏrm in my|eye | 8|0B| |0C| 9 I feel the wŏrm in my|not brăin| 9|0C| |0D| |0D| |0E|10 my hēad|aches | | 10|0E| |0F|11 my eye |străins|not| 11|0F| |10|12 my eye |străins| | 12|10| |11|13 my hēad|aches |not| 13|11| |12| |12| |13| -- Rowan -- |13| +--+--------------------------------------------------------+--+------+ ------------------------+ Infestering +--------------------------- | little Weklings byte on and feed off an autset fresh Wuund| ------------------------+ Einfutterung +--------------------------- | kliente Wietnen biessen an und fressen ente aussetzte frischen Wunde| -- poor Abel! -- | +-----------------------------------+---------------------------------+ |21:14 8 AErrayule FE9 | |opening fridge | |plate fall aut | |small, blue ring | | only one of theis plate was given| |"only" one is in dishwasher | |place fallen plate in drawer | +--------------------------+--------+ 12:41 17 AErrayule FE9 | AT bottom of ski slope | WAIT to come down | SEE flying beast alongside| -- THE BURNING GOES ON --+ +------------------------------------+ | LOG | +------------------------------------+ |FE8 C 00 Das Heilige Buch - beginnt| |FE8 C 03 Wŏrm thinking | |FE8 C 09 WEISHEIT.VON.MAJA | |FE8 C 0A LOG add'd ;) | |FE8 C 0D notebook extracts 1 + 2 | |FE8 C 0E GAVDIVM | |FE9 1 0E Infestering/Einfutterung | |FE9 2 06 Mya and her milkshake | |FE9 2 08 Anomaly | |FE9 2 19 Anomaly 2 | +------------------------------------+ +-----------------+ | WEGEN | +-----------------+ |Das Heilige Buch | |notebook extracts| +-----------------+ +----------+ | GAVDIVM | +----------+ |Jade Vine | |SEL (dub) | |SEL (sub) | |n0thanky0u| |nyx land | +----------+